I‘d like to bring your attention to what I like to call a “Creative Play”.
Creative play is a play which brings us closer to the innocent-childlike, and spontaneous exploration of ourselves and the world, before our mind steps in to judge, justify and restrain our flow.
I learned a little bit more about this when I attended a workshop on clownology back in September.
I learned a little bit more about this when I attended a workshop on clownology back in September.
The goal of creative play is to get out of the constraining and controlling mind and into the impulse of the moment. It is to experience the freedom to create, explore, express, learn, grow and experience the creative flow without constraint, condition and judgment.
We are going to focus this weekend on the creative play and help you get in touch with your innocence.
By paying attention to your impulses, inner child, the innocence you were all born with, trusting your intuition and simply allowing yourself to play, you are entering the infinite realm of creativity. This creation is not just about the physical manifestation of paint on canvas, it’s about life. Each one of us at any given moment is creating our reality and our life as a whole. So I invite you to grand yourself a freedom to play along, create and flow.
Creative process is about the relationship between mind and matter; physical manifestation of our perception at any given moment. Our reality and self changes every moment. Example: you might look at a painting you did a while ago and have a hard time believing you did it. That’s because your reality and presence back then was different than now. It always changes and you flow with the change and therefore you create in the process.
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