Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gloomy day

I needed to procrastinate all day so instead of working on my Eng 112 at UBC I managed to go to the studio and take pictures of my newest collection. The photos didn't turn out that well but for now they will have to do. That's what gloomy days are all about; a good cup of tears with a basket full of procrastination muffins!
Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Rojia Art: As self changes from moment to moment, it reflects...

Rojia Art: As self changes from moment to moment, it reflects...: "As self changes from moment to moment, it reflects itself on the surface of the painting leaving residue of the artist's identity. The probl..."
As self changes from moment to moment, it reflects itself on the surface of the painting leaving residue of the artist's identity. The problem is that holding on to the identity for too long will create a blockage and unnecessary suffering and it will eventually erupt and fall over. Beauty emerges when one lets go of preserving one's identity to create enough space for change to happen.

Rebirth I and II, 2010
Acrylic on panel and mixed media

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My very first blog post

It's a nice feeling to be able to share thoughts, ideas, or impulses to the rest of the planet.