Thursday, October 13, 2011


Emptyness leads itself to creativity. The circle is whole and complete, but empty. It's blanketed by layers of complexity. Some might never expereince the emptyness and others my encase it by filling the gaps of time.

When I encountered the emptyness, I was conditioned to be scared and feel depressed but now I am making peace with the emptyness as something positive that leads itself to creation. It's whole and perfect in its infinite imperfection. That's something to be taught in an expereintail way. The question is how? Something that is empty needs to be full to understand its emptyness, so the complexity is unavoidable if not nessecary to creativity and life.


  1. Emptiness, Fullness and Creativity. Three concepts that must be transcended,in order to be understood as co-emergent dimensions of the illuminated consciousness, and of the cosmic order itself. Transcended because, as concepts they have become reified by the ordinary mind and as such keeps us from recognizing the true nature of reality, as the eternal dynamic unfolding of creativity, founded in the mystery of emptiness.

  2. Emptiness -> Fullness

    Our experience of it requires time. I wonder if the purpose of the experience of time is to be confused about this basic dichotomy. To go from not understanding it, being a victim of it even, to finally understanding it. And through the complexity of experience, we gain the ability to express what we saw in a new way. Where really, it's just the concept of emptiness and fullness played again and again.

    In this since, the emptiness and the fullness is a framework. A truth. But what's most important is not the truth, but the fact that we had time to recognize it in a New way, we can Share, with Others.

    From my experience existence of the truth is good but I don't want to stare at it for more than a moment. In fact, that's probably all that's possible. The emptiness / fullness is an idea . . . a beautiful idea that is woven into every fabric of everything . . . but looking at it is like looking at a plane of no depth on edge. You see nothing but you know it's there.

    Ahh, I'm rambling. Philosophical mood tonight.
